Submission Guidelines


– Authors who want to submit their articles for peer review, should send them to the following email:

Peer review.

- Articles will be submitted to the evaluation of the Editorial Board and renown specialists in the field following the double-blind evaluation method; results will be given individually and secretly to the author via e. mail. The result of the peer review can be: a) approved; b) approved with modifications; c) rejected. In case that the paper is approved with modifications, observations will be sent to the author, indicating a deadline for sending back the reviewed article.

Once the text has been accepted, the editorial board director, or one of its members, will contact the author to refine the publishing details of the definitive version.

Editorial Criteria

Papers must be submitted in .doc format, Arial font 12 point size, and letter size paper (21.5 x 28 cm) with 2.5 cm superior and inferior margins, and 3 cm left and right margins. The minimum length of the papers should be 15 pages, and the maximum 30 pages (including notes, graphics, tables, photos, maps, quotations and bibliography).
Reviews should not go beyond 7 pages. It is recommended that the title does not exceed 80 characters (including spaces). All works, except for the book reviews, should annex: An abstract in English that does not exceed 100 words highlighting the main contributions and conclusions of the paper; and
A five key word list in English that identifies the text content.

Book reviews must be on recent academic books (published at the most during the previous year) or on new editions of classics worth to review in the light of current problems.

If the paper has short quotations (less than five lines) these should be included in the body of the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. Longer quotations should be written in an independent paragraph, indented, without quotation marks, with the same letter font (Arial 12), and single spacing.

When the quotation contains additions and omissions from the author, these should be placed within brackets. The author-year system will be used for all work references, page numbers will be cited if necessary. Within parenthesis, the author’s last name will be included [comma] the text’s publishing year [colon] pages cited. When a reference in general terms is made to an author’s particular work, the publishing year of such text must be written within parenthesis. When several works by the same author have been published in the same year, they should be differentiated adding a letter to the publishing year. When an author’s work is mentioned, its title should be written in italics. Explanatory notes should be placed at the bottom of the page, with single spacing and Arial font 12 points.

At the end of the text, there should be a complete list of the bibliography used (in alphabetical order). It should include: author’s last name [comma] author’s name initials [point] publishing year within parenthesis [comma] book title in italics [comma] city in which the book was published [colon] publishing house [full point].

In the case of an article in a collective book, it should include: Author’s last name [comma] author’s name initials [point] publishing year within parenthesis [comma] title of the article within inverted commas [comma] [add the word “in”] [comma] name and last name of the book coordinator or compiler [comma] book title in italics [comma] city in which the book was published [colon] publishing house [full point].

In the case of a journal article, it should include: Author’s last name [comma] author’s name initials [point] publishing year within parenthesis [comma] title of the article within inverted commas [comma] [add the word “in”] [comma] title of the journal in italics [comma] year or volume (vol.) [comma] issue (no.) [comma] date or season [comma] city in which the book was published [colon] publishing house [comma] pages (pp.) [full point].

In the case of a web page, it should include: Author’s last name [comma] author’s name initials [point] publishing year within parenthesis [comma] title of the article within inverted commas [point] [Add the legend “article available online in”] web page [coma] [date of access] [full point].

Avoiding the use of words in another language and unnecessary neologisms is recommended (in case that the paper is written in Spanish). If the use of a term in a foreign language is inevitable (because there is no adequate translation) the translation or a brief explanation of the term should be placed within parenthesis or as a footnote. When abbreviations or acronyms are used for the first time they should be placed within parenthesis and be preceded by the complete name.

Once that the paper has been approved, it will not be possible to make further changes.

All authors agree their work to be governed by the legal standard of creative commons under the license of Atribución-No Comercial-No Derivadas 2.5 México. (