Struggles over Territory, over a Place Resistances against Mining in Cordoba and La Rioja, Argentina
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This article approaches comparatively the emergence process of resistance against mining activity in the province of La Rioja and in the province of Cordoba, Argentina, as moments of dislocation of the forms to define and organize a territory, and as instances of construction and joint of new senses and practices. In our argument, these struggles demonstrate an opposition to those territory definitions contained in environmental and mining laws, which suggest more global capitalist criteria of organization and load with a process that imports simultaneously the destruction other territory, molding the conflict terms as opposed territorialities.
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How to Cite
de la Vega, C. (2022). Struggles over Territory, over a Place: Resistances against Mining in Cordoba and La Rioja, Argentina. Espacialidades, 5(1), 151–183. Retrieved from