Economías situadas (place based economies) Aprendizaje de dos ciudades andinas ecuatorianas
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We will examine two small cities in Ecuador and the effort taken by private and public, local, national and international sectors to support their development through initiatives based on market competition. The globalized neoliberal economy has have has left local competitive markets with much insecurity. However, economic policy makers do not tout competition as much as competitive advantage. As competition relates to rational individuals, competitive advantage requires cooperation, with the objec-tive to improve underlying factors that benefit group or cluster of firms. This cooperation reaffirms local knowledge creating at the same time a local identity and an economy that promotes solidarity.
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How to Cite
Cruz, M. (2022). Economías situadas (place based economies): Aprendizaje de dos ciudades andinas ecuatorianas. Espacialidades, 3(1), 60–94. Retrieved from