Migraciones, pluriactividad y recomposición del espacio rural Las dinámicas múltiples del sur boliviano

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Ceydric Martín


Although we have witnessed a numerically decrease of rural population in Latin America, there are different patterns depending on the areas, and even an increase in Bolivia. By using data from the population census and others obtained from a poll on migration between 2001 and 2005, this paper analyzes the spatial mobility of rural population and its pluriactivity as well as the recomposition of rural space in South Bolivia. Thus, it examines the impact of rural dynamics that participate in the changes of the distribution of Bolivian population (urbanization, growth of the West) and that contribute to new ruralities.

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How to Cite
Martín, C. (2022). Migraciones, pluriactividad y recomposición del espacio rural: Las dinámicas múltiples del sur boliviano. Espacialidades, 2(2), 183–213. Retrieved from http://espacialidades.cua.uam.mx/lts/index.php/espacialidades/article/view/31