El doble discurso de las representaciones de la inseguridad y violencia urbana en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán
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This article treats, in a general way, on the representations that they have of the spaces and considered “dangerous” subjects on the part of two groups of individuals of the city of Merida, Yucatan. This work stems from the thesis of mastery “Representations and imaginary from the insecurity and urban violence in the city of Merida: the colony San Jose Tecoh and the Residential division Pines of the North”. Between the aims here raised it stands out find the spaces and prominent figures considered in both cases as violent or of high insecurity. Of equal form, before these representations it was important to know which were the forms of action (protection), uses and production of subjective maps of both zones and of the city.
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How to Cite
Aguilar-Canché, F. A. (2022). El doble discurso de las representaciones de la inseguridad y violencia urbana en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán. Espacialidades, 2(2), 78–91. Retrieved from http://espacialidades.cua.uam.mx/lts/index.php/espacialidades/article/view/26