El Programa Oportunidades y Bolsa Familia Origen, desarrollo y operación desde una perspectiva municipal
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Taking into account the municipal scale, this paper describes the origins, development and operation of conditional cash transference programs that target poverty in Mexico and Brazil: Oportunidades in Mexico and Bolsa Familia in Brazil. The different stages of these programs and the role that the municipalities play in their definition, show us a different type of federalism in each case. It is not a mere coincidence that the origins of Oportunidades is the technocratic pinnacle of a government that promotes a New Federalism and that Bolsa Familia derives from a municipal innovation effort.
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How to Cite
Sandoval-Álvarez, B. (2022). El Programa Oportunidades y Bolsa Familia: Origen, desarrollo y operación desde una perspectiva municipal. Espacialidades, 2(2), 52–77. Retrieved from http://espacialidades.cua.uam.mx/lts/index.php/espacialidades/article/view/25