Digital Social Networks and Gender Justice Frameworks at Universities
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This article offers a conceptual approximation on the geographic space production of universities in relation to the use of virtual social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube, and mass media at universities. Besides making an analysis on the rise of new gender justice frameworks, which are the consequence of public complaints about gender violence (online and offline) made by female students who suffered sexual violence from their professors at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), and the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), I am interested in demonstrating how digital social networks are tools used by groups of students to make gender injustice and inequality evident in different metropolitan institutions of higher education. The methodological tools used to collect the presented data were digital ethnography, virtual records of activities, and deep in situ interviews. The influence or the efficacy of virtual marketing has the possibility to create new gender justice frameworks inside universities, so they can create spatial transformations.